Friday, October 2, 2009

American Dreams

Do we all dream of an America, that allows every citizen the opportunity to be competitive, creative, and be all they can be.

I dream of a time in the United States that conditions are perfect for all citizens applying themselves and dedicated to their dream can reach their highest level of achievement.

Why can we not achieve these goals?

Have we failed to teach our youth that success comes only after many failures, many sacrifices, and many delayed gratifications? We fell many times before we learned how to walk and talk. I guess a more modern analogy would be we lost many times before we won at every level of a new video game.

Have we failed to accept the necessary to make sacrifices to achieve our long term goals? Many of us see engineers, physicians, chemists, and etc. give up social activities in their youth to achieve their goals. Yet, we see many people demonize these people for the amount of money they make.

Have we failed to accept strong competition? I cannot recall the number of times, I saw individuals denied employment or advancement, because they may be more talented than the interviewer or boss. The denial is often hidden behind explanations of over qualification or they are not a good fit for the team. When the real reason is they are afraid of the competition. Americans use to respect talent, knowledge, and competition.

Have we failed to sufficiently teach the necessities of basics and how they are applied? Teaching something as simple as ABC’s is useless until the student understand they are the necessary for spelling and reading. The goal of being an engineer, requires dedication to math. The goal of an physician requires learning chemistry and biology.

Have we failed to teach if you want it, you have to work for it, it will not be easy, but if you want it bad enough you will fail many times before you succeed.?

Have we failed the next generation of Americans to seek the American Dream?

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