Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Taxes Include Beer Tax

A Senate Finance Committee document released Wednesday proposals new consumer taxes to help fund the national healthcare plan.

If you have a job based health care insurance, expect to pay taxes on it.

Beer taxes would be increased by 48 cents a six-pack, from the current 33 cents, a 145 percent per six-pack.

Wine taxes would raise by 49 cents per bottle, from the current 21 cents-- a 233 percent tax increase per bottle.

Hard liquor taxes would increase by 40 cents per fifth, from the current $2.14, , 19 percent per fifth.

Sugared soda drinks and other sugar added drinks will not be left out, a tax of 3 cents per 12 ounces would occur.

Also, being considered is a tax on foods and drinks that contain salt. The tax would be on added salt and table salt.

I wonder what will be next? Tax on sugar coated breakfast foods, or sugar in products.

So much for not a single penny increase in taxes for anyone making less than $200,000 a year.

Please note this proposal has yet to be approved.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Balance of Power and Bearing of Arms

I contend there is a fourth balance of power, the right to bear arms.

If one looks at history, the first freedom of the citizens taken away by a government before the lost of all other freedoms is the right to bear arms.
When citizens no longer have the right to bear arms, they are no longer a force the government has to deal with, and they can quickly eliminate the other freedoms, we in the United States enjoy. (Freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, right to keep and bear arms, freedom from quartering of soldiers in home, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, right of due process, freedom from false imprisonment, freedom from slavery, and etc.) After all once the freedom to bear arms is lost, how would the citizens realistically oppose unreasonable government control and elimination of other freedoms?